The Vs of Big Data

Big Data has many important characteristics that can be used to describe it. There are five V’s that define Big Data.

-- Volume: When we talk about Big Data, the first thing that comes to mind is the large size of it. To consider whether a data set is big, its size in bytes is considered. Data is collected by organizations from social media, business transactions, customer reviews etc. The large data is stored in data lakes or using Hadoop.
-- Velocity: Velocity refers to the speed at which data is generated and processed. Businesses and organizations are having to deal with fast streams of data flowing in from social media, log files, business transactions, stock data, satellite data etc.
-- Variety: Variety as the name suggests refers to the wide range of forms of data such as text, emails, audio, video, pdfs etc. It also refers to structured, unstructured or semi structured data.
-- Variability: Variability refers to uncertainty associated with generation of data. There are changes that can be daily, weekly, monthly, seasonal, peak and off seasons. Businesses nowadays need to keep track of what is trending so they can capitalize on them.
-- Veracity: Veracity refers to data quality. Because of the variety of data sources, it is difficult to clean, transform or link them.

DNSi Big Data ConnectorPicture Source: Akamai

DNSi Big Data Connector

Picture Source: Akamai

Rema Shivakumar- CuriouSTEM Staff

CuriouSTEM Content Director - Computer Science


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