The Damage from Microplastics

According to the journal Science, microplastics, tiny particles of plastic, are found in every crevice on Earth. In fact over 98% of the rain and air samples collected from remote parts of America were contaminated with microplastics. You might be wondering how the plastic is captured inside rain. Plastic particles are lifted into the air by wind and then suspended in the air since they’re so light. As the particles ascend, they get surrounded by water vapor particles in the sky. When the water particles condense, they form clouds full of tiny plastic particles. When rain falls, the microplastics fall from the sky onto the face of the earth and into oceans, including the Mariana Trench, which is one of the deepest points in the world. It’s estimated that 125 trillion are polluting the oceans.

Plastic has been found in wildlife like birds, insects, mammals, food, crops, etc. The contamination in soil has aided a reduction in plant growth. The plastic can cross blood brain barriers which can be fatal to some species. It has shown to reduce buoyancy in fish, weight in worms, and water filtration in mussels and oysters. The entrance of plastics is toxic and can cause damage to internal organs. For example, some plastics contain phthalates and bisphenol A that cause reproductive issues and disfigurement. Studies have shown that the plastics can be passed down through generations through the placenta. To reduce the amount of microplastics in circulation, we should be conscious of how much plastic we use and do our best to reduce, reuse, and recycle.

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Tiffany Phan- CuriouSTEM Staff

CuriouSTEM Content Director - Biology


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