Journaling for Mental Wellness

Do you struggle with anxiousness? Do you have problems with controlling your emotions? Do you find yourself slipping into negative thoughts often? Journaling may be able to help with that. When you were a child, you may have kept a diary. A notebook that only you had access to, a place where you could write anything without restrictions: your fears, struggles, dreams, etc.

You may have stopped journaling once you reached a certain age, but many benefits of writing down your thoughts still apply. Journaling allows us to understand ourselves on a deeper level. Through journaling, we get to explore solutions to different life adversities, convert negative energy into creativity. Increases tolerances to unpredictability and decreases emotional reactivity to others. Reading back old journal entries can also show how much you have grown with time, demonstrating emotional resilience and character development.

You might be thinking: “Wow, journaling sounds great! But… How do I begin?” There is absolutely no pressure to journal every day, you can begin journaling when you encounter a situation that you have trouble overcoming. Forget spelling and proper grammar. What matters most is that your thoughts are getting translated into words, and you feel safe expressing yourself. Use words such as “I feel” for effective writing. Through writing, you will discover your journal is the most nonjudgmental friend.

Keep calm, grab a pen and a notebook, and have fun on your journaling journey!

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Suet Yann Melanie Kwan- CuriouSTEM Staff

CuriouSTEM Content Creator- Behavioral Science


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